The GNC-CR Central Recording System is a Multichannel Recorder containing several Recorder Module Cards. It can be extended to an almost unlimited amount of channels by adding further 12 Bit, 16 Bit, 18 or 24 Bit Recorder Module Cards. These unique features are based on a very compact and user friendly design.
The sensors are interconnected in a star topology and every sensor has its own connection to the GNC-CR Central Recording System. The Network Center provides on-line surveillance, common trigger and time synchronisation. The LCD indication informs continuously about the current status of the Network Center. Individual trigger setting based on module channel information is possible. Data are stored on solid state CMOS SRAM or Flash memory.
With the GNC-CR Central Recording System and a connected Personal Computer the parameters of each Recorder Module Card can be set easily and specifically to desired requirements. The actual status can be monitored on-line on