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   GeoSIG AC-6x-DH
GeoSIG AC-6x-DH  

The AC-63-DH is a reliable Force Balance Accelerometer tailored for borehole applications, based on the latest MEMS (Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems) technology.

A Digital Sensor Control (DSC) is used to provide the AC-63-DH with exceptional user-friendly features. At turn on the DSC nulls all outputs including the vertical channel. This powerful feature allows the users to install the AC-63 and turn it on. Time consuming offset adjustment and instrument levelling are not necessary.

The DC response allows the sensor to be easily repaired, tilt tested or recalibrated in the field. With the help of the TEST LINE the AC-63 accelerometer can be completely tested assuring proper operation and accurate acceleration measurement.

The downhole housing contains the entire sensor system. The sensor is

connected through Overvoltage Protection to the recorder at the surface with a cable.

Using inclinometer tubes and the provided guiding wheels, the sensor can be inserted in the borehole with a defined orientation.

The AC-63-DH accelerometer is directly compatible with the GeoSIG recorders.

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